Enliven: Unwavering Belief


"Enliven: Unwavering Belief - My Journey to Impactful Business and Beyond" is an inspirational memoir crafted by Stephanie Woollard OAM, chronicling her extraordinary faith-driven quest to redefine the purpose of business. Within these pages, Woollard masterfully intertwines her spiritual awakening with the evolution of Seven Women—a pioneering social enterprise empowering marginalized women in Nepal.

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This compelling narrative not only traces Woollard's personal and professional trajectory but also serves as a repository of invaluable life lessons and business wisdom. "Enliven" offers readers a roadmap to ethical leadership, sustainable entrepreneurship, and the profound impact of integrating unwavering faith into the DNA of business endeavors. Woollard shares strategic insights, pragmatic advice, and actionable tips gleaned from her unique journey, illustrating how aligning business with deep-seated values can spark lasting societal change.

More than a memoir, "Enliven" stands as a guiding light for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned leaders seeking to infuse their ventures with purpose. Stephanie Woollard's unwavering commitment to integrity and compassion resonates throughout, offering a blueprint for navigating challenges, fostering inclusive workplaces, and nurturing a purpose-driven culture.

Drenched in the ethos of integrity and fueled by a steadfast dedication to making a difference, "Enliven: Unwavering Belief" is an indispensable handbook for those passionate about harmonizing business acumen with humanitarian endeavors. It illuminates the transformative potential of combining unyielding faith, entrepreneurial spirit, and a profound commitment to creating positive change in the world.


Key Themes

  • Enliven” emphasizes the significance of discovering one’s purpose and passion, offering guidance on how to explore and identify these essential elements of a fulfilling life.

  • The book inspires readers to seek inspiration from various sources, encouraging them to fuel their creativity, curiosity, and motivation.

  • Enliven” underscores the importance of taking actionable steps to transform one’s life and align it with their newfound purpose, outlining practical strategies for doing so.

  • The book explores the idea of a legacy, urging readers to consider the impact they want to leave on the world and providing insights on how to create a legacy that endures.

  • Enliven” encourages readers to use their inspired lives to make a positive impact on their communities, society, and the world, demonstrating the profound effect that one individual’s actions can have.



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